Monday 23 January 2017

Amit Singhal, The Man Who Built Google Search, Joins Uber

Amit Singhal

Amit Singhal, who retired from Google less than a year ago to pursue philanthropic efforts to help children with their education in India, is now joining Uber as a Senior Vice President, leading up the Maps and Marketplace departments there.

He has an extensive interview at TechCrunch on the move, saying the foundation is now at a point where it can grow without his day-to-day interactions. He also found the challenges at Uber to be something that interests him.

“This company is not only doing things that are amazing, this company also has some of the toughest computer science challenges that I have seen in my career of 25 years,” Singhal told me. “Those computer science challenges for a computer science geek are just intriguing – you give a geek a puzzle, they can’t drop it; they need to solve the puzzle. That’s how it felt to me.”

So interesting – leave Google during the big AI switch, do the foundation for several months and now at Uber.

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Amit is an amazing person, so smart, so tactful – he deserves the best and that is all I want for him. I think Uber got a huge win with getting Amit.

Forum discussion at Twitter and WebmasterWorld.

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Author: (Barry Schwartz)

The post Amit Singhal, The Man Who Built Google Search, Joins Uber appeared first on On Page SEO Checker.


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