Friday 20 January 2017

Twitter forces people to follow @POTUS, @FLOTUS & @VP accounts


Today, the United States gained a new President, First Lady and Vice President. Those people inherited the official Twitter accounts of their predecessors. In turn, some of those not supportive of the new administration unfollowed those accounts. Or thought they did. As it turns out, Twitter has caused many people to follow these accounts again, against their will.

I’m just one of several examples. Yesterday, I stopped following the @POTUS account that was used by President Barack Obama (who is now at @BarackObama) before @POTUS switched to President Donald Trump today.

I also stopped following the @FLOTUS account that was used by Michelle Obama (who is now at @MichelleObama) before @FLOTUS switched to Melania Trump today.

Vice President Joe Biden (now at @JoeBiden) had been using @VP, which I also dropped yesterday. The @VP account is now used by Mike Pence.

Today, I found I’m following all those accounts again. I definitely dropped them, but Twitter decided I should keep following them anyway. I’m not the only one. Reports of others who have been forced to follow these accounts are wide-spread on Twitter:


At least two people even blocked the @POTUS account only to find today they were still made to follow it even though it remained blocked:

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has been busy replying to people about the situation, to one with a confusing response that somehow there might be a “replay” of unfollows:

And that Twitter is looking into what’s happened:

Twitter’s official support account also says it’s checking on the “migration” problem:

To be clear, there should be no “migration” of followers. There’s a change of who controls these accounts. But the account holders cannot control who actually follows them or choses not to.

We have a message out to Twitter about what’s happened and will update if we hear back.

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Author: Danny Sullivan

The post Twitter forces people to follow @POTUS, @FLOTUS & @VP accounts appeared first on On Page SEO Checker.


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