Friday 17 March 2017

Search Buzz Video Recap: Google Fred Update Analyzed, Google Targets Fake & Hateful Content & Google Home Ads

This week in search, I dug deeper into the Google Fred update and discovered it targeted low value sites monetized via ads, affiliates and lead generation. Google also released a new quality raters guidelines to make sure they are doing a good job showing offensive, upsetting, inaccurate and hateful results less often in the search results. We also saw Paul Haahr from Google clarify what that means. Google mocked PBNs this week. Google said manual actions have no left over effects. Google said the page layout algorithm is still important. Google said you can rank for medium competitive keywords without links. Google may be showing inaccurate dates in the snippets. Google said the site command is not going away. Google is not adding a low quality page report to Google Search Console. Google doesn’t seem to patrol the black hat forums anymore. Google’s local pack has a new interface again. Google’s John Mueller tried helping an SEO land a job at a big news publisher. Google AdWords is testing six or more ads at the bottom of the search results page. Bing Ads removed their trademark policy globally. Google Home had a developer integration that appeared as an ad for Beauty and The Beast. That was this past week in search at the Search Engine Roundtable.

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Author: (Barry Schwartz)

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