Wednesday 16 November 2016

The resurgence of brand marketing in a demand generation world


Over the past several years, B2B CMOs have been earning a seat at the executive table by demonstrating their ability to contribute to revenue and company growth, largely via demand marketing.

B2B marketing teams are using data, technology and content to discover, engage, nurture, create and delight customers. What once was a unique and competitive differentiation is now mainstream. The modern demand marketing approach is widely available and used by many B2B marketers. Everybody has the same basic playbook.

While the role of brand has never gone away, its importance is being increasingly recognized as a critical piece of a company’s growth strategy.

In fact, based on B2B CMO recruiter conversations I’ve had over the last few quarters (strictly for research, of course), CEOs and boards of directors are now seeking marketing executives that have a proven ability to develop a sustained brand position and value propositions that differentiate a company and its solution.

In addition, 68 percent of B2B marketers say refreshing a company’s brand is the most critical effort for B2B marketers this year (Forrester Research).

If your prospective customer doesn’t know your company or solution — or worse, your company or product value proposition messaging doesn’t resonate with them — it doesn’t matter how savvy your demand strategy, how great your content or how effective your martech is. You’re not maximizing your impact unless your brand is core to your marketing effort.

This is especially true as more and more competing brands have the same modern marketing playbook. Which is why there’s a resurgence underway to refocus on brand and positioning, baking these necessities into the demand marketing effort.

There are many ways the “brand plus demand” idea is playing out. Though the best approach often depends on the business cycle and markets you compete in, here are a few ways to think about using smart brand strategy to increase the impact of your demand marketing results.

[Read the full article on MarTech Today.]

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Marketing Land. Staff authors are listed here.

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Author: Scott Vaughan

The post The resurgence of brand marketing in a demand generation world appeared first on On Page SEO Checker.


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